Useful documents for the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: Learning, Teaching, Assessment (CEFR)



Nederlandse vertaling CEFR Companion Volume 2020

CEFR Companion Volume 2020

British Council – EAQUALS Core Inventory for General English (2011)


English Profile: Vocabulary & Grammar

Taalprofielen 2015 Pdf

Breakthrough (A1)

Handreiking Nieuwe Onderbouw MVT Pdf 2006

Waystage (A2)

Concretisering kerndoelen Engels Pdf (Onderbouw-VO, april 2007)

Threshold (B1)

Handreiking schoolexamens MVT vmbo en havo/vwo (2007)

Vantage (B2)

Handreiking schoolexamens MVT vmbo, het ontwikkelen van opdrachten Pdf (2009_

Ten CEFR videos (interview with John Trim and Nick Saville (2011)

Syllabi moderne vreemde talen vmbo en havo/vwo

 Origin of CEFR 1/4

Origin of CEFR 2/4

Origin of CEFR 3/4

Origin of CEFR 4/4

Toetsen en beoordelen met het ERK Pdf (2011)

 Critique of CEFR 1/2

Critique of CEFR 2/2

 Evolution CEFR 1/3

Evolution CEFR 2/3

Evolution CEFR 3/3

Future CEFR

Portal for CEFR (Dutch)

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